125 compatibility list



I have a raccoon butterfly
large Maroon clown
And a 4 inch red bar wrasse
I want to add 2 more raccoon butterflies to see if they will school
A red Coris wrasse
Blue throat trigger
Vol Lion fish or radiata
Porcupine puffer
And may be a large angel like an emperor
I want you opinion what fish I should add open to any ideas


It all depends on how you add them. Add the least aggisive fish first then slowly add the meanerr ones. Also I think your wrassel might like to eat all the crabs,hermits,and snails in your clean up crew.
If you add them in the wrong order there might be a death or two.

saka bra

get a large angelfish but add him last. angelfish are the most colorful, personality, and behavior than any other fish. juveniles for some geneus will transform color and pattern to an ever brighter and unique pattern, angelfish will be the dominant fish in any tank. if you want a showpiece fish, get a large angel and provide good enviornment for it and it will be a showpiece