125 FOWLR stocking advice


New Member
I need some stocking advice. This will be my first saltwater tank. I would like to have between 7-8 fish eventually with a Lion (radiata?), an eel (snowflake or zebra?), and a bluejaw trigger. I need advice on what else to keep. I'm up for any suggestions.


Active Member
I like the choses you made on the radiata lion, either eels are great beginner eels, and bluejaw trigger.
For other options there are:
Small angels(lemonpeel, poters, coral beauty, etc.)
Tangs(yellow, purple, sailfin, kole, etc.)
Maroon Clowns(The only clown I would do because they get big and aggressive and is the only smaller fish you can get with a lion)
Hawkfish(Longenose is an example but there are a lot more)
and the list goes on but I can't think of any others.
I would do a small angel, tang, maroon clowns, and a rabbit fish.


Im assuming you want an agressive tank seeing as you posted in the agressive forum. I would stay away from triggers if you want to keep a lion. You could do a puffer if you want. Really you have alot of freedom in your selection.