Active Member
I have gone to a "fish calculator" and I know I'm alright, for now, with the fish I have: 1-7" lined puffer, 1-4" yellow tang, 1-3" spotted hawkfish, 1-3" false perc and 1 lawn mower blenny. I have a Fluval 404 and a 50 gal fluval in tank aerating filter. I am not having any issues (two months since I added the tang and clown) with water quality. Here's the question: I have ordered a 3-4" vagabond butterfly, a royal gramma, another clown and a flame cardinal. I am officially over stocked when the new shipment arrives. I am going to add a 50 gal refugium. I think a skimmer is mandatory now, also. My eyes were bigger than my tank. Do you think that my extra filtering will be enough? I do have a torn down 55 gal salt tank in my living room that I was planning on setting up as a QT tank. Any ideas would be great. FWIW I have a coral banded shrimp(huge 6" head to tail), 12 blue and scarlet hermits and that's it. Cleaner clams, nassarius and turbo snails all died within 24 hours of getting in my tank. I don't think stock was to blame, but all water parameters were perfect and I did a 3 hour drip acclimation on them(oh yeah the cucumber was dead w/in 24 hours also).