125 gal Filtration options please


New Member
Hello there again,
I'm looking for some options for canister filters. I was looking at the Fluval 404 but it was mentioned in a reply to may last post that they were not very good.
Upon reading the Marine aquariuim book I have, it was saying that the canister filter setup is a good setup for the Saltwater tank so I was wondering if I could get a list of options Brands/ models of canister filters to use.
I have also been looking into the option of also adding a Wet dry filter along with the Canister filters to increast the Biological stage of cleaning since I probably will not have alot of Live rock in the tank.
3rd I should ad in Skimmers. :)
I will also have to look into the Refugium that was also mentioned in a reply to my previous message.
Please keep in mind when giving me options that I do not have a disposable income and cannot spend $500 on a top end filter. :( I wish I could keep all the filtration and skimming under that if at all possible.
Well It's almost time for work so I check in on this later.
Thanks in advance for the incoming information.