125 gal. filtration

chris s

i just filled my 125 gal. and i bought a broken skimmer for very cheap. i fixed the skimmer but i have a canister filter and not a wet dry. is there a way that i can use the skimmer and still not have it in a wet dry filter. also i used about 25% crushed coral and 75% live sand, and the water is still cloudy after 4 days. Is sthis normal? last question i made a big mustake and filled my tank then put the live sand in then put the salt in. i emidiatly threw the salt in after the sand. but, i think i killed the live sand. did i really kill it?


Is the skimmer a hangon? if its not, you will proabaly end up having too get a sump for it.
Is the tank going too be Reef? Aggressive? FOWLR?
The recomended fileration is just a skimmerr, 1.5 pounds per gallon of lr,and dsb


I would get rid of all the CC and go all Sand. One or the other is what I was told. When I had my 125 set up this is what i had on/in it... DSB 125 lbs of LR Emp 400 Seaclone and a 37 sump with water flowing over about 30lbs of more LR.


You need more filters. I had 3 Fluvals on my 125. Left, center, right, with 2 powerheads and a skimmer. You'll have too much dead water with what you have. The water is cloudy because that one filter is working as hard as possible to clear it, but cant do but so much.