125 gallon agressive fish suggestions Please


What would you people put in your tanks if you had a 125. I want lots of thoughts. Don't just look at this post. Be creative what would you put in your tanks if you could. Thanks:happy:


A 125, huh? Well, I would add a Harliquin Tusk, a Niger or Bluethroat Trigger, a Lunare or Lutacens Wrasse and a grouper. Four fish ONLY as they will grow and grow and grow, as most aggressive fish get quite large.
1) Tusk
2) trigger
3) wrasse
4) grouper


Active Member
Probably a little nurse shark, queensland grouper, a mated pair of clowns, a ray, clown trigger, flame angel, emperor angel, green moray eel, lionfish, and a cowfish Just a few fish so its not to crowded. And possibly another shark down the road but thats just for starters. Then I would put like 100lbs of liverock. What do ya think.


I like all of your suggestions. I would love to get a ray but i don't have sand as my substrate. I deffinately want a trigger and lionfish after that i don't know what to do. So thanks for your oppinons. I don't want to get a shark cause it will eventually get too big and then I won't be able to take care of it. and the tank will be too small.
Thanks A bunch!!!


Active Member

Originally posted by FLATZBOY
Probably a little nurse shark, queensland grouper, a mated pair of clowns, a ray, clown trigger, flame angel, emperor angel, green moray eel, lionfish, and a cowfish Just a few fish so its not to crowded. And possibly another shark down the road but thats just for starters. Then I would put like 100lbs of liverock. What do ya think.

way too crowded and all i can say about the clowns are.....GULP!


Active Member
definitally a tusk.. those a gorgeous, a trigger of some sort i personally like huma huma's an eel, a rather large one,just stuff of that sort... but not to many!