125 Gallon Fish List


I finnaly set up my 125 gallon tank and I dont know what other fish I want to put in it. I have a Volitan Lionfish and a Dog Face Puffer. What else should I get. Im more of an aggressive fish type of person. Please give me some suggestions.


Active Member
Originally Posted by splenda21
I finnaly set up my 125 gallon tank and I dont know what other fish I want to put in it. I have a Volitan Lionfish and a Dog Face Puffer. What else should I get. Im more of an aggressive fish type of person. Please give me some suggestions.
Well, my 1st suggestion would be to decide between the lion and the puffer. They may be fine for a while, but most puffers (and triggers) find the lions flowing fins to be irresistible chew-toys. There are exceptions, of course; but IME & IMO, a dogface and a volitan just don't belong together.


I had the puffer for 2 years and the lionfish going on a year now. No issues so far. Maybe my puffer is special. So basically im not going to push my luck by adding a trigger. What fish do you think is compatible with the lionfish and puffer?


A Foxface, Lunare Wrasse, some type of a small - medium eel like a skeletor eel or a snowflake eel.