125 Gallon for sale CHEAP in TN


pet lover

:eek: This a good deal.
125 gallon Tank now being used for freshwater, Black Perfecto with 2 strip lights. Not drilled. Stand home made and has nice black material around it to skirt off the filters etc. It was made extra strong.....even has a small shelf.
This deal includes tank/glass tops/ 2 lights/ lots of gravel
( $175.00 worth of gravel) the background and a Magnum 220 canister filter that I have on another tank at this time.
Pick up only. You must come get it. NO shipping.
The first descent offer takes it !
I need the room as soon as possible. I have 3 tanks and this one is in the bedroom and MUST go. I can't take care of 3 anymore with birds and 6 dogs also. My health is not what it used to be....

The first descent offer takes it !
email me at animallover@frontiernet.net or here.
:) Don't let this one get away! :jumping:

pet lover


Originally posted by BadASStang
If only you were closer to Michigan I would be all over it like a twinkie at fat camp!

Sorry I am not closer but if you can travel 8 hours or so to pick it up i would make it worth the trip.
Just something to think about :yes:
Happy Holidays and Thanks for looking,

pet lover

Come on someone needs a nice tank for Christmas, I am practically wiling to give it away.
A 125 would even make a great reptile cage even though it has never been used for that. :thinking:
Someone come get it ! :jumping: :cheer: :D

pet lover


The fish look sooo much nicer swimming in a 125 than a smaller tank!

pet lover


Originally posted by BadASStang
Pet Lover, I e-mailed you

emailed you back twice- still waiting, what do you think ??
waiting for you to email me again ; )

pet lover


Originally posted by BadASStang
really? I havnt received anything....only e-mails I have received is about 4 from this forum posting....was it replied to badasstang@comcast.net?
I have been checking constantly!

Sorry you didn't get them. I just replied to the address you sent me.
Let me try one more time to send them to the addrerss above so I don't have to retype them.
IF you do NOT get them in 5 minutes let me know ok.

pet lover

:notsure: I am getting them back to me for some reason.
I must have screwed up something but have never done that before.
Well in a nut shell I asked you to just make me a fair offer.
My parents used to drive to detroit every summer before thier health got bad. Gas is still a little high so to be fair I was thinking about 300.00 even if you are going to make the drive.
Do you think this is fair ?
Please let me know. I have about 850.00 in it but do NOT expect anything like like that back. We built the stand tuff enough to hold 300 gallons I believe. It looks good with the black material around it because the tank is black.
The gravel is natural stone mixed with black. 175.00 worth of gravel.
If you can come get this soon I will give you a great deal, what do you think ???
Let me know,

pet lover


Originally posted by BadASStang
Ok, I waited 11 minutes, still no e-mails but another from here. Was going to send you a private message, but I guess it doesn't work for me. Try one more thing, e-mail me at rheaj@student.gvsu.edu


pet lover

:notsure: :confused:
Have you got anything ?
I think they are having problems with the site tonight.

pet lover

Lets try a new thread maybe that will work.
This is very frustrating!!!!

pet lover


I would be interested also in trading for a smaller tank, maybe a 65hex or 45 hex or 42 bow or something similar in good shape.
Maybe even a good size nano....
Thanks for looking!
Remember, I am easy to deal with........
This the PERFECT opportunity for someone looking to upgrade :cheer: