125 gallon question


Active Member
For a 125 gallon aggressive tank that would hold a Lion, a Trigger, and a Puffer(oh my!) would it be better to have a 5' or 6' long tank?


well none of them are free swimmers so don't really require the 6 ft. however the lion will prolly get picked apart by the puffer and trigger. you might get lucky and have them all stay together peacefully but most likely the fins will be very intriguing to those other fish.
it would also depend on which fish you were actually going with. not to mention you will need some heavy duty filtration for that will be quite a load. all messy eaters.
hopefully that helps a little
i'm sure someone else with more knowledge will chime in.


Active Member
Filtration is no prob. I have big plans in the works
Already plan on adding them in opposite aggression order(lion first, etc..) and hopefully it won't be a prob as it will likely come down to the personality of the fish involved. Chances are with the size of the tank I won't have any issues for years at which point I'd probably be looking to upgrade the size anyway. Just not sure if it would be more worthwhile to have a longer or taller setup.


Originally Posted by jonny
well none of them are free swimmers so don't really require the 6 ft. however the lion will prolly get picked apart by the puffer and trigger. you might get lucky and have them all stay together peacefully but most likely the fins will be very intriguing to those other fish.
but in any instance, most fish are linear swimmers. go for length. 6' being better than 5 obviously.


I agree that you should go for the 6ft length. though indeed depending on what trigger and puffer possible will nip at the lion's fins.


Active Member
Haven't decided on a Puffer yet, still need to do more research on the available species. The Trigger will most likely be a Niger.


Active Member
Keeping a lion with puffers and triggers is always a gray area; sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. They sure seem like a natural combination, don't they? But, IMO, a lion is not an aggressive fish, just a predator which usually won't bother anything it can't swallow whole..and they can swallow a much bigger fish (or invert) than you'd think. Often, their slow, flowing fins are a tempting target for triggers & puffers; but, it all depends on the individual fish. I defiantly would avoid keeping a lion with the real aggressive triggers; such as clowns and undulateds.
i have a lion with 2 puffers porcupine and a hawaiian (ever how you spell it) and a niger trigger they do fine togeather for me i just keep the puffers fed.
the only thing in my tank that is bothering anything is my lawnmower blenny hes messing with my niger.