125 gallon question


hello i am planning on getting a 125 gallon the fish that i am planning on getting would be:
-regal tang
-cowfish(thinking of selling him)
-kole tang
-percula clown fish (would the snoflake ell eat him?)
-regal angle or emporor angle
-snowflake eel
-Niger triger
thats about it if i can get more can anyone suggest any fish that i would be able to add
thank you
the niger would probably get the percula before the eel. Everything else seems ok. Add the trigger last b/c he will be most aggressive. Depending on size of the fish, you might want to take on off of the list.


i am planning on getting him pretty small i will give back the perc but will the trigger be agressive towards the other fish.
Also would i have to get a bigger tank when the trigger grows i pick this trigger because it is the most pecfull one of them all, so i read. IS there any other trigger that would replace the niger trigger for the better.
Triggers are very unpredictable, the niger you get could be aggressive or peaceful, it’s really just luck, a blue jaw might fit nicely in the tank in place of the niger, but again it’s kind of luck of the draw.


i was also woundering was size should i get the snowflake eel because when i wen tto my lfs the had many of them and one was 2 and half feet and other were a couple centemeters, is it better to get small?
Thank you


Active Member
I LOVE MY NIGER. I have one that will go in my 135 when it is ready (week) but for now hes in my 30 reef and doesnt pick at anyhting or any body. The clowns r more aggressive to each other then he is.
Deffinalty get one, they r soo cool. Whne they get scared they turn all green, its awsome


would i be able to keep a group of green chromisi in the combinathion that i would want or would i be over stocking the aquarium.
Thank you for the responses above