125 gallon reef complete for sale in PA...

I really love my tank but don't have the room for it. Everything must go, I have 240 pounds of fiji rock with coraline everywhereand mushrooms attached, I will sell all for $800. 125 gallon all glass aquarium with pine stand and custom made canopy, lighting is 3 mh's and 2 blue actinics, lighting I would sell for $450. I have everything for this tank, make me an offer for whole or if you need anything email me and I will let you know a price! ls1ta@charter.net
berlin skimmer
fluval 404
you name it I have it!
I'm sorry if you misunderstood my original post, I said $800 for all of the rock, thats why there was another price by the lighting because it wasn't for the whole setup.


Active Member
Gabby's not trying to tweak out anything more than she had planned. If you read, the cost of the LR and the description are in the same sentence, and although it may have seemed a little confusing, the $800 was for the rock alone, as was the $450 for the lights, or $1600 for all.


Did you sell everything yet? I might be interested in some of your corals. Post back or e-mail with a list of what you have and prices. Also where in PA are you located?
Thanks, Shawn


Did you sell everything yet? I might be interested in some of your corals. Post back or e-mail with a list of what you have and prices. Also where in PA are you located?
Thanks, Shawn


YOu didn't tweak anything i guess..i understood what you were saying..
i want to get a chance to buy your lighting system.
how much is that?
Almost everything is gone, all that is left is 4 Powerhead 802's and 1 Rio 2100, and a Fluval 404.
Anyone interested, make me an offer!


Active Member
Is all the rock gone? If youve got any of that left, I would like about 30lbs in large pieces if youve got it. I know it aint much, but thats what i need, and maybe thats all you got left! Hopefully anyway. My email is millerj24@yahoo.com