125 gallon stocking list


I'm possibly getting an upgrade this fall and decided to start planning!
anyways...I would like a tang. What kinds could I keep in a 125? Sadly, my favorite is a Sohal, but I know they need at least a 180 so they're out of the question. I wanted the tank to eventually be a reef, so any that are especially bad in reefs are also not wanted. Any help would be great!


i have a clown tang powderblue tang and a sailfin tang in a 125 they are all fine
clown tangs are similar to sohal tangs

ledzep fan

Active Member
The PBT are very pretty and so are the Blue Tangs but, i would go with the PBT their my favorite.
I have a 120 i would love to add one but, i have to many fish.

P.S choose one you like.
LedZep fan


Active Member
Originally Posted by damselsrck
Yeah...I have to agree that PBT are one of the prettiest, but I want a hardier tang.
last time I checked thats a hard one to come by. Its all up to you in that catagory. I have a Sailfin, Yellow and a Scopus. Never had anything with those guys, and am adding a Regal Tang(Hippo) soon. I don't expect anything to happen to that one either. You have to take care of your tank, and it will take care of you.