125 gallon stocklist order


New Member
Tank dimensions are: 72"x18"x22"
Sump is a 50gal long with a Vertex skimmer rated for 180gal
Current fish:
1 - Maroon Clown
1 - Tomini Tang
1 - Flamehawk
1 - Bartletts Anthias
1 - Pearly jawfish
Future (want to add):
1 - Angel (Blueface or Emperor or Queen)
1 - Hippo Tang
1 - Porcupine Puffer
1 - Trigger (not sure what kind yet)
First, is this stocklist reasonable? Is it pushing it, or can I add a little more? I'm planning on getting them small and let them grow out. Also, what order should I introduce the new fish?


well if u ever want to add coral's to ur tank dont get the trigger or the puffer
also the angel emperor if not feed everyday will pick at ur corals if not provided with sheets of alge
also if u plan on adding a New tang u should move ur rocks around or bag him up when ur new fish come's and let him sit inside a bag with next to the other fish then when it is time to release the fish u do it all at the same time because u SHOULD ALWAYS ADD ALL FISH OF THE SAME SPECIES AT THE SAME TIME


Active Member
You would be pushing it will all the fish listed (more-so like well overstocked). While you do have a nice, larger sump, the skimmer isn't very good, at all.
I would strongly encourage you to remove the Porcupine from the list. There was a video on youtube I used to share with people interested in a Porky, of one that had pretty much killed off a Yellow tang. With some of the more passive fish in your tank already, the Anthias and Pearly jaw, it wouldn't be a good idea.
The Angel, a smaller Blueface would fit in a 125gal for a few years, the Emperor and Queen should outgrow the tank fairly quickly. However note that most Bluefaces are kinda cryptic, meaning they will hide in their cave some/most of the time. Maybe consider the cousin to the Blueface, the Majestic angel? Stays somewhat smaller.
For the Trigger, with the other fish, look at either the Blue Jaw or Sargassum trigger. They are rather "un-trigger like." Not aggressive, peaceful tankmates.