125 gallon tank


New Member
I have a 125 gallon tank and I have a emperor 400 gal/hr filter with a prism protein skimmer and a 350 gal/hr water flow power head. Is this suffiecient, or do I need a wet/dry system? I currently have a huma trigger and a yellow tang. I have had problems with other fish but my water has tested out to be within conditions. Give me some feedback on this issue


Active Member
what do you have for substrate, a dsb
do you have any lr
is it now or gonna be a reef, personlly i do not like wet dry's, i would rather put my money into lr and ls, makes for better filtration and shelter and decoration adn food for fish, plus like i said, BETTER FILTRATION
and the cost is roughly the same, a good wet dry is3 to 400 or more, adn 100 lbs of lr is 3 to 400$, wiht many more benefists, including less maintenance

mr . salty

Active Member
That Prizm skimmer is no where near powerfull enough to keep up with a 125.They are barly good enough to skim a 75 gallon tank.You should definatly look into a serious upgrade here.I also would agree that a deep sand bed,and alot of live rock would also help...More powerheads will also be needed to keep the water moving in the tank.Any "dead spots" will collect excess food,and fish waste causing high nitrate readings and overall poor water quality.
i agree w/ both mr. salty and fshhub. i would add more powerheads for circulation and the prizm just doesn't seem to do well on tanks over a 50g.


I had a Seaclone skimmer and an 400 on my 75 gallon with 3 inches of LS my water was great every test..but 125 gallons that is a stretch..i would go with a wet/dry...i converted my tank to wet/dry at christmas, and im going to phase the 400 out in the next 2 weeks, remember when you do convert to the wet/dry to keep the 400 going for 6 weeks (at least) after you put the wet/dry on there till it can build up bacteria...LS and LR are great filters too, take advantage of them, although they are pretty expensive, they work wonders


Not enough.
Buy a good skimmer. Spend the money here.
Go Wet/Dry. This way you can add to sump items like heater, skimmer, additives, etc...
Need LR. Not as much needed if setting up a Wet/Dry.
Add more power heads. Need good flow to clean. I am sure you may end up setting up an aggressive tank and those get messy fast.