First, Welcome to the Board!
What substrate do you have? If you didn't get anything I would get gravel, live sand is not good for triggerfish, because when the triggerfish try to move the sand with there mouths the sand may get caught in there gills, which then can kill them. Before adding fish make sure your cycle is done. That means nitrites, ammonia, nitrates are around 0 on a test kit. Now if you have gravel, I would say you can get triggerfish(blue jaw, pink tail, huma, assasi, bursa, or other smaller size triggerfish), an antenata lionfish (or radiata, or dwarf), a harlequin tusk, and an eel(snowflake, chainlink, or zebra). These fish are all meat eaters, they eat krill, mysis, brine, squid, and other meaty foods. The triggerfish and the tusk will eat flake food. For the eel, you should buy a feeder stick, so your eel doesn't get in the habit of eating food on the top. Whats wrong with that you ask? Eels, are jumpers, they are escape artist, when they think food is around the top, they'll go to the top, and might jump out of your tank.