125 lighting - upgrade??


I have a 125 (72x28x21) I have 120lbs of Live Rock that came with some button polyps. I'm using new 2 36" Coralife fixtures with 96w 10K 50/50 bulbs - a total of 192 watts. I want to ad some more corals, the button polyps seem to be thriving, I have them near the top. I'm looking at the Orbit HQI/Compact with Lunar lights, a 60" fixture will give me 560watts. Is this overkill?


Active Member
Originally Posted by jwill275
I have a 125 (72x28x21) I have 120lbs of Live Rock that came with some button polyps. I'm using new 2 36" Coralife fixtures with 96w 10K 50/50 bulbs - a total of 192 watts. I want to ad some more corals, the button polyps seem to be thriving, I have them near the top. I'm looking at the Orbit HQI/Compact with Lunar lights, a 60" fixture will give me 560watts. Is this overkill?
72X18X22 actually? Why a 60in light over a 72 in tank? Are you going to hang it?
No it's not overkill at all, might not even be enouigh to keep everything if it's just 2 150w Halides.


That fixture is only 60" and it runs around $720. It only has 2 150W HQI the coverage will not be very good. I would look into a 72" fixture like the Nova Extreme Pro they cost $583. There is a 72" Outer Orbit on

it is being sold by Current as a refurb. Its has no bids yet.