125 No Sump???


Is it possible to run an aggressive 125 FOWLR using no sump. I was thinking about 2 Aqua Clear 110's and a Remora Pro??? The tank is not set up yet so I can go either way sump or not.


I was wondering this same exact question. I have a 55 with no sump but only a protein skimmer, uv sterilizer and a mechanical HOB which I run occasionally. I would like to upgrade in a couple of years.


Active Member
no sump is okay for a 55 because it is a smaller tank, but on a 125, you need a bigger skimmer, more flow than what a HOB can offer, and the sump makes things a whole lot easier.


Active Member
I would go with a sump(making mine this summer). But you DONT need a sump. I know people who get away with a common HOB filter (emporer,ect), skimmer, and a fuge. They had no problems with there tank. But if you have the time,space, and money for a sump go for it!