125 Reef Ready tank?


I am looking to upgrade from my 38, to a 75-125. At my favorite LFS, they have a 125 reef ready for $720. Though it doesn't have a reef light, I would buy another 3 foot helios like I have at the moment to have a total of 288watts. But thats not the question. It includes a wet/dry filter, submersible heater for sump, pump, and the tank is drilled for the tubes and whatever it is that goes into the tank (this stuff I have no clue about). Is this a good deal, and is this stuff necessary? Are powerheads still necessay with this filter? and if so, how many?


that sounds pretty good to me
i paid around $1000 for my 125
was about the same setup, stand, tank , wet/dry, pumps, skimmer, glass tops, lightstrips, heaters, salt, starter testing kit
being reef ready, and all, it sounds like good deal to me


Active Member
My LFS runs a tank sale every year where they sell you a tank 1 penny over their cost. I just got an AGA 120 (not reef ready) for $350. The RR was $450. Try to talk them into doing a deal like this and you give them business or see if they run a tank sale. Looks like they made a fortune of you:eek: but since you get that stuff with it I think it is a better deal.