125 stand&tank for sale in chgo


125 gal 1 year old glass tank with 3 door maple canopy stand. all the equipment you need. up and running now. kent turbo protien skimmer, bio rocker filtration, 30 gallon fuge, 125lbs live rock, 80 ft siphon hose with all conectors, 40 gallons salt, naso tang, yellow tang, peculia clown, lots-a decorations for tank 50 ft tube with pump for return saltwater, and whatever else I have which I am sure there is more. all offers considered. I have pictures but not computer savy enough to upload them to this site. You can call me if you like @ 773-315-1857


how much for the whole setup and i know you said its a 125 gallon but i have few narrow doors so i need to know measurments! oh ya what kinda lighting too?


measurements are 6 feet by 2 feet can fit through any doors
lighting is just floresent not sure bout price for live rock


Live In Orland Park. I'm Looking For That Set Up...would You Take
750.00 For Alll????? Any Pics? Might Pay More With Pics..
Where In Chicago?