125 stocking


I have a 125 with a 6" queen angel and a 6" miniatus grouper.
also have a snowflake eel.
Need help in adding 1 or 2 more fish.


IMO it depends on your filtration. Do you have a good enough system that can handle the bioload of large fish like the angel, grouper and eel. If so my suggestion would be a bird wrasse of some king, an anthia, a maroon clown, or a yellow tang. Stay away from triggers, lionfish, butterflies and anything smaller than the anthia. Your filtration needs to be top notch with what you already have, but you do have room for one more fish.


Active Member
hey tome i like ur avatar, there one thing i cant tell tho, is it a family guy spoof of lotr or star wars? :notsure:


Queen Angels need more than a 125.
Minatus Groupers get huge.
I wouldn't add anything else, unless you find a new home for the Queen, which you'll have to do at some point anyway.