125g Reef Pics


I just got my fuji a303 yesterday. Still learning how to use it. Here are some pics. It's a 125g reef, "berlin" style(I hate the idea of water running outside of the aquarium). Around 145lbs fiji live rock. It is only 3 months old, so I still have alot of corals/ inverts to add. The current fish are 2 blue chromis(soon to be 7), a school of 4 royal grammas, 2 false percs, one firefish, one coral beauty, and one yellow tang. The live rock isn't glued and doesn't have any sort of PVC structure holding it up. It took a very long time(understatement) to get it stacked the way it is, and to make sure it is stable. I really wanted the "cavern" look, rather than the wall. There are 7 powerheads moving the water around, along with a penguin 330 holding activated carbon. I was worried that the powerheads would be a distraction, but in person they really blend in to the back of the tank. The only really noticable thing is the mag3 hooked up to my remora pro(does a great job by the way). I am looking to move it behind one of the rock structures in the near future. Enjoy


Purple finger leather and brown finger leather. The brown is really odd, it opens for 4 days, then closes for a week, it's closed right now, but is double that size when opened.


My bubble coral. It has two "mouths". A red leg hermit just annoyed the top one as you can see. It's kind of odd. The bottom mouth is a regular white bubble, and the top is green.