12g Aquapod stock


In my tank I have...
1 pistol shrimp(maybe 2 havent seen the randalli pistol in about 3 weeks he was only about .5inch long)
1 yellow watchman goby
2 red leg hermets
3 blue leg hermets
1 nassu snail (has an elephant trunk right)
my corals...
1 frogspawn
4-5 blue mushrooms
egale eye zoos
ring of fire zoos
green star pollups
some trumpets and candycanes
I definatly want to add soem more coral any
I also would like to add maybe 2 more fish and some more inverts...are there any sugestions? I was thinking maybe a boxing crab? sexy shrimp? cleaner shrimp? I have no idea on what other fish I should add. I was thinking a clown but the last one I had was very agresive tward everything.




I had a fire fish in there and one day he disapeared
. I removed everything and couldnt find him anywhere. I guess I'll never know.
I might do another firefish. Would sexy shrimp or a cleaner be ok in there?


Active Member
Originally Posted by NaNo-NeWb1983
sixline might nip at the shrimp... why i didnt end up gettin one
they wouldnt nip at them. i have sixline with 2 pep and he completely ignores them. he doesnt even go near them


Originally Posted by nissan577
they wouldnt nip at them. i have sixline with 2 pep and he completely ignores them. he doesnt even go near them
Me too! He is a little sixline. Just a little bigger than the shrimp. All I have in my 12 gallon is a sixline and a yellow watchman goby.