12g Cube ideas



SO,,, I thought I still had my 29g cube in the garage,,, while we were clearing things out I only found 1... and it is my 12g :(
Not that that's horrible, now i am just WAY limited in what I can have...
So... my only real thoughts are a yellow banded possum wrasse and some misc mushrooms, lps, and maybe some maxi/mini anemones...
Anyone have any other ideas as another fish or 2 for this teeny tiny tank :)
And I am still thinking about the par30 bulb,, someone else is ordering one and I want to see what it looks like on his tank
and I have no clue what skimmer can fit in the back chamber...they are all so small :(
Thanks all,


I don't even bother with skimmers on the nano tanks, they're more hassle than anything else.
I'm a huge fan of goby/pistol shrimp combo's in nano tanks.


yeah I had a pistol/ goby pair before in the larger cube,,, just wasnt sure if i could do it in this one?
The only real reason im thinking about a skimmer is the corals I want to keep,, guess I could keep corals that like nutrient rich water, lol


So if I do a more nutrient rich tank, lol, i'll probably go with 4 fish...
of this list does anyone have any opinions .. or has anyone had any of these?
#1 Yellow banded possum wrasse ( a DEFINITE)....
clown goby,,, any color??
rainsford or hectors goby
redspotted goby
orange lined cardinalfish
specific shrimp goby?
and of course invert ideas??
the only ones ive ever had in the past were....
sexy shrimp
and a bonded pistold shrimp with my goby...
and of course misc. snails... thats it...


I know,,, i was just thinking about then because I saw another reef special on TV, lol
get 2 or 3 of those (and of course a dead barnacle shell for them to live in...) and wouldnt it be cool if some GSP grew around it like grass?????lol hhrrmmm


My husband told me I have to stop talking to you because you're giving me ideas for my empty 10G, LOL


Then tell someone else to help give me ideas....
an empty tank? That's heresy!


Originally Posted by smallreef http:///t/390195/12g-cube-ideas#post_3453960
Then tell someone else to help give me ideas....
an empty tank? That's heresy!

I was using it to QT a clownfish, but my female decided it wasn't a suitable mate and killed it. I've given up on trying to mate her again. If she wants to live the single life, she can have at it, but I'm not going to keep feeding her $20 male clowns, LOL.
Hey! You have an empty tank too!
My most favorite setup in my 14G was this:
Orange Spotted Filefish (Harlequin Filefish) that I converted to frozen
Tail Spot Blenny
Yasha Goby with Randalli Pistol shrimp
Fire Shrimp
Pom Pom Crab
Some Trochus snails and some nassarius snails
A bunch of zoanthids and polyps/soft corals
Baby Maxima clam
Elegance Coral
I wish I never tore apart that setup.


Active Member
I woulda do a tanaki's wrasse, (like the yellow banded possum, still a pygmy)
and a skunk shrimp, and a little blenny. And load it up with chalices and zoos. Thats what im doing with my 18g nano right now.



I only have an empty tank because I took sown my 150g after I was laid off and sold everything :(and
I had the 2 little tanks up till school took over my life for 60+ hours a week trying to get my 2 yr degree in 18 months
and now were moving cross country so for the last 65 months I've been dreaming on what I want to do..but just started cleaning the
garage last week and found out I must have sold my 29g also,lol


Dang everywhere I look for a Yellow Banded Possum Wrasse they are out of stock. So, I too, am on the quest for that fish


:-( Two stores near me have them right now.
I was told that they don't ship so great this time of year, but then again, I don't think most things do



Wow I have to say I hate my phones autocorrect,lol
I only have 1 lfs where I am at...but when we move there's 13 within about an hour and a half!
and alot of coral shops....


Active Member
I have like 10-15 within an hours drive, and a ton of friendly hobbiests where i can go and check out their set-ups and their frag tanks *hint hint*


You lucky ducky. Is it a big fish store, or they just have lots of options?
Originally Posted by BTLDreef http:///t/390195/12g-cube-ideas#post_3454070
I'm lucky with where I live. I can get my hands on almost any coral/fish/invert I want within an hours drive. There are some many saltwater stores within an hour of me, it's ridiculous.


There are more little saltwater fish/ coral shops in my area than I can count, lol.
We also have one of the largest local clubs. The president of our club is Joe Yaiullo, owner of Atlantis Marine World/Long Island Aquarium. Definitely lucky