You are best to pick a fish you REALLY like and get just that. Research them first. Don't get a mandarin though tempting. 12 is not enough. If you buy spojntaneously, you will find yourself with fish you would rather get rid of and the LFS not wanting them unless you give them away. Get a book or two from Barnes an NObel; or other places. I like the extravagant but affordable. My personal suggestion would be to get a goby that sifts sand, an orangeback basslet, adn a sixline wrasse. Should get a long fine, will occupy all levels of your tank, and should doa good job keeping pests (algae adn invert) under control. Stick to lps OR softies. Mushies, zoos, star, can be awesome and grow fast. Don't be sold by the LFS. The anemone route is great and rewarding. You willneed MH or lots of PC watts though -- about 6 w+ per gallon. I have always wanteda yellow, blue, or green carpet anemone with a pair of clowns. Good luck. Keep us posted. If I were you , I would buy the new JBJ 28 gallon dx. It comes witha wavvemaker, MH, and better filtration than most others. You should be able to do an anemone in there no problem. Check it out. Plus, the fluctuation is less detrimental adn maintenance is easier. You can find it online for less than 500 dollars. Check out the BAY of E, but make the seller fill it with water before sending it to make sure it does not leak.