I'm starting up a 12g JBJ nano cube shortly.... Just wondering if anyone with this setup has junked the bioballs and used LR rubble instead. GOOD? BAD? PROBLEMS?
highly recogmended to lose the bio balls! if you dont take proper care of them they just give you nitrate problems! i suggest the LR rubber or use chemi-pure! its a really good product!
Originally Posted by AcroShark http:///forum/post/2550034
highly recogmended to lose the bio balls! if you dont take proper care of them they just give you nitrate problems! i suggest the LR rubber or use chemi-pure! its a really good product!
GREAT, thanks for the advice. I don't currently use Chemi-pure in my other tank... is it LR or chemi-pure or do you want to run both?
I use the bio ball plus the ceramic rings and carbon...sponges too...dont believe the hype...i also use pura pads...no live rock in my chambers at all...got plenty in my tank...see for ureself......u need to make some mods to ure nano though......Alivia
I chucked the bioballs, rings, and 2/3 sponges. Kept the third sponge and carbon. Added LR (I think ~ 2 lbs), and later modified the second chamber to run chaeto.
The only issue I've had is that the LR I have is in a bag, and the bag's mesh is so fine that it clogs with sediments and needs to be washed once a month.
My Nano DX 12 set up:
Chamber 1 - Live Rock on bottom, piece of white filter foam on top
Chamber 2 - Live Rock on bottom and Chaeto on top (peeled off backing to expose the glass and have a light from the depot in back of the tank to grow the Chaeto
Chamber 3 - heater and replaced stock pump with a MJ1200
I think RKesling's might actually be the tank I copied for my setup.
R, do you still have a PH in the tank after switching to the 1200? Also, which filter floss do you use, and have you found sediment in the third chamber with it?
Originally Posted by gmann1139 http:///forum/post/2553098
I think RKesling's might actually be the tank I copied for my setup.
R, do you still have a PH in the tank after switching to the 1200? Also, which filter floss do you use, and have you found sediment in the third chamber with it?
PH (primary heater???) if that is what you mean ..yes I do...The 1200 added a little heat but not much at all
I use the standard white floss stuff that comes in a big bag for like $5...I use a softball size amount in Chamber 1 on top of the live rock
I notice some sediment but not a ton...when I do my water changes I siphon from chamber 3 first then from the main tank itself