12g nano pics

lisa g

first time able to post pics. Any comments? Ideas?
Tank specs and inhabitants:
12 gal JBJ
2x24w, 50/50 lighting
106 gph pump in 3rd slot
bag of puigen in middle
3 sponges in 1st
20 lbs sand
20 lbs rock
green mushrooms
brown button polyps w/ yellow colony polyps
green zoos
teal caulastrea
pulsing xenia (love them)
5 hermits in various colrs
4 snails
cleaner shrimp
clam of some sort
two bristtle worms



looks nice!! good job. check out my new 24gal pics and tell me what you think. :)

lisa g

Thanks for the compliments. I thought it was still a little sparse so I am going to add a few more things. I am going to use the netting technique and move some xenia to my branch rock on the left side.
As for the lighting I have the standard dx lighting that came with my ano cube it stays on (timer) about 9 hours a day.
And yes I know about the damsel. He is a pain. I am trading him in for another fish this weekend. He tries to eat my crabs when they change shells. I would like to add something with more color. Like red or orange. Checking out the possibilites now.