12g nano whats needed?


Well-Known Member
answered well, subie :D
Besides those threads, just to answer a little in this one:
1. powerhead
2. Heater
3. Filter
4. Filter media
5. Carbon
6. Vinyl tubing for water changes
7. 5 gal. bucket
8. live sand
9. live rock
10. Knowledge and returns


doesnt the jbj nano come with a filter and power head?if not could someone recomend some decent ones and also a good heater?thanks..


Active Member
You will want to pick up another powerhead, a koralia nano or k1 will work. I prefer the stealth heater, 50 watt should be good. Definitely read up on what people do as far as the back chambers filtration. Get a chance to read those threads yet?
listen to subielover, he pretty much has this down on helping ppl set up their tanks, especially the newbs. good luck.


Originally Posted by subielover
You will want to pick up another powerhead, a koralia nano or k1 will work. I prefer the stealth heater, 50 watt should be good. Definitely read up on what people do as far as the back chambers filtration. Get a chance to read those threads yet?
ive been reading those threads and they are very helpful,thanks.so why is it you prefer the stealth heater?im assuming its can be hidden?looking at it it doesnt look much different than the others.i was looking at the inline heater thinking it would be nice for the small 12g tank?


Active Member
I prefer the stealth heaters because they are reliable.
As for the refugium that nano-newb posted. Do a search on refugiums, there is a ton of info on this site about them. Basically the short and skinny of it, is putting some type of macro algae in one of the back chambers with a light. As the algae grows it consumes nitrates and phosphates, which are both undesirable in a reef tank.