130 gal weight issue


New Member
A LFS is selling a used 130 gal tank with wood stand for $275. I want to get it but I am concerned about the weight. I want it on the first floor, not in the basement. If I have to get into supporting the floor better, I might forget it.
Anyone have any input???
LFS says it will weigh 1300 lbs is that right??
I have mine n 1st floor not basement and i havet had any problems just make sure to run it across the floor joist instead of with them this way you ge ore support


email me or check this out i lived in a trailer and had a reef in a 125 tank now this is a house that has 2x6 floor joist most houses have 2x10 joist if you have any more questions email me i have been a licensed residential builder for over 10 years you should be fine inless your floor is rotten where you need to put it. cavendermarine@wmconnect.com hope this helps pease


i have a 135 one first also going with the joist and no problems for 7 years now. hth

tony detroit

Active Member
I have a 180 plus a 40gal sump on first floor with no problems. If you hear the wood start cracking you might want to drain it though....:eek:


Active Member
Think about it this way...
Take an average man on the street, say 6' tall, 200lbs. Have him sand in the middle of the floor, with his feet together. His 200lbs is spread out over a 1'x1' area (or perhaps 1.5'x1.5'). That's 200lbs per square foot.
Now compare that to your tank...
1300lbs seems like a very conservative estimate - I'd guess that the weight would acutally be less as water is probably the most dense thing in your tank. Anyways... take that 1300lbs and spread it over an area of 6'x2' (or whatever the tank dimensions are). 6'x2' gives you 12 square feet. 1300lbs over 12 square feet equals approx 108.3lbs per square foot. If you're floor an hold an average person, it should be able to hold the tank. If you are really worried about it, try to setup the tank so it runs perpendicular to the floor joists (across multiple joists), not parallel to them.


before those 7 years it was in a similiar position in a different house for 10, don't worry it will hold, otherwise your house might fall apart if its built that bad.