You should have more IMO. I have one in my 36 gallon with 130 watts PC and it is not doing good at all. It's color has faded a lot and its size decreased by about two. Luckily, I'll have my MH lights setup this friday.
I recommend about 4+ watts per gallon. I was able to do it with 4.22 watts per gallon, then upgraded my lights to even higher wattages. I had no problem with them reproducing but they just were not thriving as well as I thought they should.
so i am guessing that i should probably go with the 260 watt vs the 130.
Will the bta thrive under this lighting????
it will be the only anemonie in my tank..
It might work if your system is stable and mature, water quality is very good and other factors.
5.2 watts per gallon is not bad, just make sure there is enough rockwork for him to climb if he likes to get higher to the lights.