135 gal & sump ??'s



I picked up my 135 today, and to my surprise he gave me the complete sump plumbing system, he didnt remmeber how it all went, i need help arrangeing it ,what goes where and should i run a sump tank or run what i got for free?? pros and cons.. It has 2 chemical filters one short one tall model AF93 and AF93-29. the pump, lifeguard heater module model AF92, lifeguard ultraviolet sterilizer model QL25, and a large looks to be 2 gallon bio filter pot with media. Plus digital temp alert and Inline PH monitor.
thanks for any advice. Scott


yea,,, i know, well its like a lego set, i believe i somewhat have it together, just wondering if its better to run a sump system, i have a 55gal i can turn into a sump. but this seems to be good equipment..


Active Member
Can you get individual shots of all the equipment.....From what I can tell from what's listed is there is a big canister filter......As far as the lifeguard modules.....Really depends how much space you have available under the stand......The only thing I can say at this point is the equipment is usable, but there will be a lot of maintenance on a system run with all this mechanical filtration IMO.....


Active Member
+1 on the pictures Shawn, you have some great stuff there I see a few gate and ball valves you can use. Get some more pictures and we can help you out a bit more.


i believe i'm going to use my 55gal (unit is running right now) as my sump, do you think i should use the heater mod (instead of an in tank heater) and the UV sab in my build are would it be somewhat over kill, i will post individual pic if guys think it would help, maybe i can trade all this for a already made sump or an in sump skimmer "i dont have one yet",,,,in need LOL


Active Member
Ok......The UV is debatable.....Some will tell you harmful others would say either way.....IMO if you have it plumbed it....UV doesn't discriminate, but won't sterilize your system.......As far as the chemical reactor.....I'm in the air.....You could run carbon or what not, but the issue I see is changing the carbon out. I would definitely suggest plumbing it where you can bypass the reactor during the change out though. Heater module is decent, but not necessary. A bit thing is really how much room do you have underneath the stand to put all of this......It might be possible to stuff it all under the stand, but the key is; is it easy to access and work on at that point.....
Something that is hard or a pain to deal with we usually wind up avoiding the task.....Pump looks in good shape....Actually the Little Giants are workhorses IMHO......
My thinking at this point is keep it simple.....The UV will/should have the bulb changed out since you don't know the exact age, and a old bulb or dirty bulb is useless.....Also you'll need to find out what the flow rate is on the unit as well. If the flow rate is to quick through the unit, it is useless again. Again it might be simple to keep it as simple as possible with putting the system together......Just my .02


i'm going to do me a sump, and avoid all this stuff. dont want the headache, like you said keep it simple


Active Member
I'm not trying to discourage you from using what you have.......I just wanted to point out some mere facts....When that stand is empty underneath seems like a lot of room, but trust me once you get that stuff inside and start running plumbing things can get rather busy;crazy!!!!!!


i apreciate all the input, what do you think about the single hole overflow, think it makes much of a difference, or enough to need to drill more holes ?


Active Member

Can't tell from the pic, but is there a hole already drilled in the tank.....I'm thinking there is in the back right hand corner looks like some PVC or a cap......


yep your right, 1 hole back right, last owner plugged for freshwater, i removed already and cleaned, need to put glass back in also.


Active Member
Honestly.....If your into drilling the tank, I would plug that hole, and I would drill the tank in the back wall and go from there......A center overflow will be more efficient than a corner single overflow.....There's many ways to look at it, but bottom line the truth. If your already thinking about drilling for ease of setup and plumbing, I'd look at a center overflow or coast to coast overflow, and you might want to google BeanAnimal Silent Overflow system. Might give you some ideas as well......You could also incorporate your returns easier as well IMHO......


I'be been looking and reading on the horizontal bean overflows, sounds like the way to go. I want simple efficient safe, Is there a universal parts list or kit you can purchase, I realize there are so many applications but maybe something out there ?


Active Member
Sorry the design isn't something you can buy off the shelf as a kit, but the parts list is on the first page or 2 of the thread and all parts can be bought at Lowes or HD though....