135 gallon new tank.. some questions


New Member
Well ive started my tank cycled and everything.. I know for a fact the fish that im going to try and put in it.. I have a blue dotted grouper right now and a blue throat trigger.. I plan on adding a crosshatch trigger fish and a miniatus grouper.. My question would be, has anyone ever kept 2 groupers like that together and had it be successful? Just wondering if you could get back to this it would be nice.. Id really like to get an achiles tang but im aware of the water conditions so im most likely not gonna do that.


Active Member
can't help with the groupers much, but I did want to say:
Welcome o the board. and Happy Thanksgiving to you.


Active Member
I have done it before, several times. When I did two groupers of the same general shape, they often flared up at each other. But, they each lived in their respective areas in my 200.
When I did a panther grouper and a miniatus, they did fine together.
With your tank, assuming it is a 6 foot, two small groupers of the same shape might do a-ok if you add them at the same time. They might grow up together sort of. But, it is also a risk. Good luck. :cool: