14 and 3 Gallon Video


Hey guys, haven't posted in while and ecided to put a video up. Recently aquired a Rock Anemone at my LFS for $8 and couldnt pass it up. You will see a peice of it hiding in my video. I had a quetion though when I added it to the tank it opened right up and the flow took it to the corner of the tank that it is in now. I am concerned that it may be stuck and I wondering if I should move it manually or if it can move across the rock it self. But anyways here is the video enjoy! I apoloagize for the quality, the video doen't do the tank justice.


Thanks everyone! The 14 has been up for two years now and I have actually let the whole right side of the tank(the glass) turn purple. I found it reflects the light really well and makes the color really pop out. Also did anyone have any ideas about the rock anemone? I wish I could get a better pic because it's awesome looking but my camera is aged.


Active Member
How do you like your bicolor? I have a BC14 as well and am thinking of adding one. Does he eat algae? Cool idea on the side of glass with coralline.


I love my Bicolor and he is my favorite fish. He will spend all day perching and swimming to empty shells sticking his head out. He is also the only the other fish I could keep that wouldn't tank any crap from my clown.(Who beat up and killed my other fish I tried) The first day they fought and after that they get along great and even swim next to each other. He will graze on algea but I have noticed he has slowed down since he has been taking mysis and pellets with my daily feeding. But all in all he is an awesome fish who is fun to watch!


Active Member
i was gonna buy one today. but i was worried since i dont have algea in my tank if he will live. but im so going to buy one now for my sixline


You wont regret it, they do need a little bit of algea to eat since they get some nutrtion from that. Since my tank has usualy small patches here and there, he will graze that a little bit. But if you are blessed with no algea I would give a sheet of algea every once in awhile to suplement. I have had mine for three months now with his main diet as mysis and pellets and he is bright blue and yellow and very fat!


Active Member
oh ok. good. cant wait for my new bicolor blenny. hes gonna be happy with my sixline. um how many times should i put the sheet?