14 biocube pump swap


Active Member
how hard is it to swap out the pump in the 14 biocube?
is it like pull it out, plug new one in, drop it back down?
or are there major mods that need to be done to it?


Active Member
The only thing you may have to do which I did when I added a MaxiJet is cut down the tubing the connects the pump to the outtake. Simple kitchen scissors will do the trick.


Active Member
i think it would be too much flow. i tried that once and with a hydor flo and it was pushing sand all over the place. an MJ900 would be good with a hydor flo.
i think the 1200 puts out more heat because its more watts. you can leave the stock locline in if you want. i think some people change theirs out


Active Member
i dont want to do any permanent mods just incase this doesnt work...
i am going to try it this weekend, and see how it works.


Active Member
have you scraped the back of the tank on the middle to add a fuge light on the back? i did this and added chaeto. chaeto has been a really nice green color and growing