14 biocube


how can i upgrade my 14biocube to have MH so i can have clams
is there any clam that can go with the lights as it is now
please help


I think nanotuners have mods or you can buy a 70watt metal halide kit. I wouldnt recommend you getting a clam, they require good amount of light to strive otherwise they may die. Also, they can grow pretty big too.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lbaskball
I think nanotuners have mods or you can buy a 70watt metal halide kit. I wouldnt recommend you getting a clam, they require good amount of light to strive otherwise they may die. Also, they can grow pretty big too.
once they get big, sell em :joy:


New Member
I have an Eclipse 12 (I'm going to switch to either a BioCube or an Aquapod) and tried to upgrade the lights. Unfortuantely, it raised the temperature too high in the tank (during the day) and I ended up with lots of algae. That's the only thing I would consider for light upgrades is if the heat will be a problem.
For me, I have my own issues in determining if I should get a biocube or an aquapod. :)


Originally Posted by autofreak44
once they get big, sell em :joy:
