14 gal bio cube


ok i have a 14 gal bio cube. you no how it has two lights right, and thouse two lights have a cabel, and thouse cabels connect to another that goes to the wall, a balast i think is wat they are called...
well the problem is one of them isent working
is there any way i can fix this without getting a new one
and if not does anyone have one i can buy from them cuze i cant find one.
this thing is only 6 moths old.
i need help!! plez.
one more thing, will the fish and shripm i have there live without the blue one going?


The blue light is only for asthetics so it wont harm your fish or shrimp. You will have to replace the ballast, I had the same issue with my biocube and it is a known problem.


Active Member
It could possibly be a fuse also. When i bought my nano cube i had a problem like that. Only half the lights worked. And i went to walmart and bought a replacement fuse and it worked great ever since :) Its worth a try and only cost ya about 2 or 3 bucks.