14 gal biocube


I have had mine for over a year. How many fish can I have? It seems like two fish is the best, when i try to add a third, seems like one of them gets territorial. I am very frustrated, First it was my 6 line wrasse, now it seems like the bi color blenny is. Any suggestions on good combinations of fish for the biocube?

matt b

Active Member
Originally Posted by spnohio
I have had mine for over a year. How many fish can I have? It seems like two fish is the best, when i try to add a third, seems like one of them gets territorial. I am very frustrated, First it was my 6 line wrasse, now it seems like the bi color blenny is. Any suggestions on good combinations of fish for the biocube?
so what all do you have in it now??


I have a false perc clown and a purple firefish in my 14g cube. Two fish in the tank is pushing it and I do a 2 gallon water change to keep up water conditions. But 2 is a good number if you keep up on things.


i have a chromis and a bi color blenny. I did have a black false Percula, chromis and bleeny, but the blenny chased the perc resulting in the percs death.