14 gal biocube ??????


my nephew just got a 14 gal bio cube and i got a couple of ??? what type of coral can grow with the stock light? How do you no when to top off water? With a closed lid do you have any PH problems? Are water changes need more often because of the small amount of water? BARE BOTTOM ? DSB? SHOLLOW?
Thanks for the help.


Active Member
Originally Posted by tdog7879
my nephew just got a 14 gal bio cube and i got a couple of ??? what type of coral can grow with the stock light?lps and softies. no sps. (lps-hammer, frogspawn, favia, candy. softies-zoas, kenya, etc...) How do you no when to top off water? on the side it has a small water level for you to see.With a closed lid do you have any PH problems?you mean power head or PH. in every tank the ph will go down when the lights go off. but when they on they get stable. if you mean power head you can get a Koralia 1. Are water changes need more often because of the small amount of water?nope. just weekly 3-5 gallons your good. you dont have to do it every week, you can do it once every 2 weeks. BARE BOTTOM ? DSB? SHOLLOW?really up to you. i have a shallow onw. love it!
Thanks for the help.

answer are in red any more questions please post!


Active Member
lots of ?s I'll answer what i can.
I don't know what the stock lighting of the 14 is.
I only top off with fresh water when my slinity gets high which doesn't usually happen.
ph can always be a problem along with amonia, nitrates and nitrites which should be checked all the time.
water changes are routine care for any tank no matter the size. The only thing that changes is the amount of water you change. I have a 12 gal so I do a one gal water change every week. I think the rule of thumb is 10% every week. Some people do 20% every other week.
And I don't know what you mean with your last few things. sorry.
hope this helps.


what about upgrading light? i was asking about PH levels and having a closed lid with less gass exchange?????? will a maroon clown be ok in this system? If so how many more fish? CUC??? snails ,hermets,crabs shimp brittle star?? How much rock or is up to you? Sorry i have a 80 gal im just not sure on the smaller systems??


Active Member
Originally Posted by tdog7879
what about upgrading light? i was asking about PH levels and having a closed lid with less gass exchange?????? will a maroon clown be ok in this system?sure will If so how many more fish?3 will be ok CUC???astrea snails, nass snails, turbo snails, cerith snails. no crabs. shrimp go with pep shrimp and cleaner. snails ,hermets,crabs shimp brittle star?? How much rock or is up to you?depends on how you want your aquascape Sorry i have a 80 gal im just not sure on the smaller systems??its ok.

once again in red!


Active Member
The same rules apply to smaller systems, but you cannot keep the same livestock obviously. A cuc is fine but you don't wan to have too many or they may starve. Just do the research if you have question about specific fish or other animals......or ask here about specific ones. Someone here always knows.


Active Member
nope. do the proper water changes and your good!
and dont get hermits. they will knock down the frags


ive read somewhere that a guy tried a bigger one and if i remember right it didnt work like he wanted it to, its been some time ago so my memory is a little fuzzy so dont hold me to my word, someone will come along and give you more reliable info