14 gal suggestions?


Hi everyone!!!!
I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions to these questions in terms of my live stock for my biocube 14 gal with 40 lbs of LS, 16 lbs of LR, 14 in DT and 2lbs in the 2nd chamber which is a modified refugium. I have 11 blue legged hermits, 5 turbo snails, 1 orange sea star, 1 fire shrimp, 2 occ clowns, 1 firefish, 1 green ricordea shroom, and a branching hammer frag. (stock lighting and 3 gal weekly water changes)
First things first is there any kind of fish that I could add to my live stock list? (other firefish, dragonettes (established copepods), gobies, ect..)
I usually only get diatoms on my sand bed (not acually fine sand substrate but it was live crushed argonite coral i think) and some hair algae on one rock and the back wall. Any way I could get some more members of my cuc to rid my tank of this bothersome algae?
Should I get another powerhead like the Koralia nano pump?
Finally any new coral suggestions, my LFS has some nice new frogspawn? (also I was interested in galaxia, torch, and other ricordeas any easy coral to maintain)
Thanks for your help!!!


Active Member
lol what is stocklist i think a goby pistol pair would be nice some others are:
clown pair
mandy pair
cant think of anymore

a fuge in the second chamber imo isnt enough for mandy because nissan says u shouldnt put lr ruble in it. im geting a hob fuge for mine and im going to seed for a while


Active Member
sorry ive never seen this. well from other reefers have told me that the detritus will be collected there and when you move the LR to clean them it will create a spike in the tank. and we dont want that. and i agree 100%


40 lbs of LS??????
I've only got 20 lbs in my 29g.... your tank must be half full of sand!
Also, 11 hermit crabs? How do they have enough to eat? I don't think you need any more of a CUC... they will starve. I've only got 4 crabs and 4 snails in my 29 and it is crystal clean!