140g Stocking List & Questions


I am purchasing a 140g (Dimensions: 60 x 18 x 30) tank in the next few days and I’m going to begin cycling it to set up an aggressive tank. I have experience with reef tanks; however, this is my first adventure into aggressive ones.
I really would like to have a lion, a trigger, and some sort of eel and I wanted to see what suggestions you all had on what species would do well together as well as stocking lists for a cleanup crew (I know the aggressive fish tend to eat certain inverts). On another note, if we did have those three would we be able to have any other smaller fish (perhaps that school together?)
Any help/tips/suggestions would be welcomed! :jumping:


Sorry for starting a new thread; however, I just got a great deal on a 140 and as a result, it has changed what I can get...let me know what you all think!


I think most people would agree that mixing Triggers and Lions is a big no no! Triggers in general tend to be extermely agressive and will limit what else you can keep with them. Some are a bit milder in attitude, but still most likely will kill the Lion. So you have to decide if you want a Lion or a Trigger - and build the rest of the fish list from there.


Originally Posted by Dmitry
I think most people would agree that mixing Triggers and Lions is a big no no! Triggers in general tend to be extermely agressive and will limit what else you can keep with them. Some are a bit milder in attitude, but still most likely will kill the Lion. So you have to decide if you want a Lion or a Trigger - and build the rest of the fish list from there.
Well I think we've decided to go with the lionfish then. Any ideas on compatibility with boxfish? Also is there any kind of schooling fish that we could put in the tank that wouldn't be eaten by the lion?


Active Member
Originally Posted by jrotunda85
Well I think we've decided to go with the lionfish then. Any ideas on compatibility with boxfish? Also is there any kind of schooling fish that we could put in the tank that wouldn't be eaten by the lion?
No. General rule of thumb; if it will fit in it's mouth, it will end up there. I have 1st hand experience on this one. My dwarf fuzzy lion tried to eat a bangaii cardinal 1/3 his size.


Schooling fish...perhaps Anthias. Chromises are definitely out as they're small enough to be eaten by a Lion. I know Anthias school (1 male and several females) and get large enough to be ok. But they're not necessarily the easiest fish to keep. I've never kept one myself, so can't speak from personal experience.
With a Lion you should be able to keep without any issues Angels (Dwarf or regular), Wrasses, Tangs, Marine Betta, Maroon or Tomato Clown, etc. (I think a Naso should be ok, but I've never kept one myself, so again - not speaking from personal experience.) Essentially any peaceful or semi-aggressive fish that won't fit into the Lion's mouth. Any fish that's too aggressive may cause problems. Lions aren't aggressive in the same way most other fish are - they're not territorial. They're just opportunistic eaters. If they think they can eat it, they will! But generally tend not to bother other fish or chase them around the tank. My Mombasa Lion certainly doesn't. He just sits there, waiting for food to come his way. Occasionally he'll take a stroll around the tank. Although, in one show of aggression, when I added an Exquisite Wrasse to the tank the Lion went berserk. He relaxed eventually and doesn't bother the Wrasse now. At the time I think he was just showing his authority, and the Wrasse trembled! ***)


Lion might go well with Large angels and tangs. But you have to keep in mind the tank is only 5ft long. Naso and large angels will not fit in a short tank. There are really only 3 large angels that would fit; Annularis, Yellowbar and Majestic. These max out at 12in and min tank size of about 120. For the tangs I would suggest a Powder blue or a blue hippo, then you could also get a yellow or scopas. That would be two tangs that are from different families that would get along. And from my experience all these fish will get along with lions. I would stay away from triggers also, I am just learning that myself. They limit other fish a lot.