

New Member
Hi everyone! I've been planning a 30g reef tank for quite awhile now. I had a list of equipment that totalled to about $500. Imagine my surprise when I visited my LFS to ask the owner a few questions about LR and lighting and he ended up telling me that if I didn't spend a lot of money (his example figure was $3500 to start), the tank had little chance of lasting a while. Now, it may seem like he was simply trying to make me spend $3.5k at his store, but I really thought he was being serious. He encouraged me to go fish only, saying it would cost about as much as a freshwater tank. I figure that if he wanted me to spend a lot of money at his store, he would have tried to sell me stuff, not scare me away with huge estimates. Anyways, to my question: Was this guy telling the truth? Does one have to spend more than a thousand dollars to have a successful reef tank? I was expecting to spend a lot of money, but not that much. How much did you guys spend starting out? Thanks in advance! :)


A LFS near me told me it'd cost me 1900 to start a SW. But it didn't . I shopped around for EVERYTHING. You don't have to fill your tank with tons of LR right off the bat. I only have around 15 pds of rock. I've had my tank around 5-6 monthes and I'm still putting money into it. But no it didn't cost that much to get a tank up and running. That's what I'd rather do. Just do stuff slowly to it and not drop a ton of $$ on it at first. Just my opinion though. :jumping:


The best thing to do is to compare prices. Look at several lfs in your area and also look online. I've found the best deals at that auction place that will cut most of my costs in half. My 12g nano cube is pretty much complete and with fish, lr, ls, corals, etc. we've spent about $600. As for my 75g, I've already spent close to $800 on the tank, stand, wet/dry, and skimmer. I still need to buy powerheads, heaters, lr, ls, and lights. I'm guessing another $1000-1200 left to go. So, probably $2000 in all. If you shop around, you can probably do it for $1200-1500. Good luck!


oh, to answer your question, it cost me around Hmmmm..... maybe $500 for a 55 gallon filled. Also keep in mind, all I have is flourescent lighting and 15 pds of rock. That's all I lack on having a nice full system. I bought bits and pieces too. Bought sand/test kits one week. Next week bought the tank. Week or two later I bought the pump/filter etc. Just do it in stages. When I had it all together, I put it all together and just let it cycle. While it's cycling it doesn't require much $$ so you can save for your next thing. I'm soon upgrading the lighting and LR in my tank. But mine is at least established now. Good Luck.
BTW, I have a place to sit my tank in my wall, so it didn't require a stand. :cheer: Which can be VERY pricey.


Active Member
Well I'd definatley say MORE than $500.00.
For a 30 Gal Setup, I'd say about $1000.00+, Or look for used setups for like $200.00 - $300.00
Sure you COULD spend $3.5K, No Problem. But that'd be like superduper way overkill.


Look in your local paper. I looked the other day and found a 180 gallon with 185 pds of LR. The description said it was complete with wet/dry, skimmer, and everything for $900. Sounds like a steal to me.


Have to agree with these guys. Buying everything new will certainly cost you. If youre determined and search online however, you will find excellent deals that will cut your cost way down. If you can, join a local marine club and ask members if theyre selling any used equipment.
You can look at the cost of simply starting a fowlr, or just bite the bullet and figure out the complete setup costs. My 75 gal fowlr cost about $2500 complete. My new 72 gal setup (reef) is going to cost even more, and thats because Im reusing parts of my fowlr. Like most folks here, I try not to think about costs. Ignorance is bliss.


I got my 75gallon set up for under $500 (stand. tank, wet/dry,test kits. Most of your money will go towards your LR and corals. My lfs had a 20 gal set up for $1200. That included all the corals and stuff in the tank.


Active Member
Originally posted by thedraven
[B. Like most folks here, I try not to think about costs. Ignorance is bliss. [/B]
I cringe at the thought...
I got about $10,000.00 into my tanks and climbing...:eek:
I try not to think about it though....


Active Member
my tank/stand/hood/light was 375
20#ls= 24.99
50#play sand= 4.96
filter= 74.99
heater= $15 ?
oceanic salt=29.99
16# of lr= 75? 90?.. lets say 80
so for like, 6 bills i got my system up and running, not including cost of wildlife (this is a fowlr)..
i know nothing about reef, only that some people have taken on a second

on their houses and sold off their children to setup/run a good reef tank


BUY USED!!! New equipment will kill you. I would also recommend patience. I wouldn't go into this thinking you're going to have a reef tank up and running next week. I would get the aquarium, stand, wet/dry, 15 lbs of live rock and decent lighting (PC or MH) to get the tank cycling. Then just add something new every couple of weeks. 5 lbs of live rock here and there will get your tank filled pretty quickly. Don't make the same mistake I did and go cheapy. Do a lot of reading on this site and figure out exactly what you need. I bought my setup listening to the LFS and now I have a cheap filter, lights, and a skimmer sitting in a box in my garage. It will cost you less in the long run to do it right the first time.


$2637.80 is what my LFS would have sold me my rock for. I do OK but I couldn't afford this hobby at those rates.


if you can do it for $3500 that is not to crazy sounding . up here in the great white north i have spent $1800 on just my tank and lights and filter, lights 30 watt double 36 inch flo, filter ,flu vul 404 ,tank 92 gal corner bow plus $700 more to convert to salt $300 spent on lr $200 on base rock, $50 on two power heads and no fish or corls yet .now that is canadian $ thou . grand total $3050. and that is none of the stuff I want and not very good lights i would love to have t5s or mhs but up hear they are like $550 for t5 and $1000 for mh convert our $ to your $ and it is about $2600 your money. with nothing but a tank and some rock lol lol lol!!!!!


You can save a ton of money buying from ---- and other internet sites. I would have saved a ton if I would have bought online rather then the LFS when I first started. Try the classified section on this site. Sometimes you can get some really good deals. If you wanna go crazy you can buy the 300 gallon tank on the classifed section and you will be off to a great start!! :D