14g Oceanic Reto Fit Help


Hello all... I started a 14g biocube for some baby cuttlefish which have since been moved and now i'd like to try a nano reef... does anyone have any cheap MH retrofit ideas I can use along with the 2x24w pc's that are in there now? I'd like it to look as factory as possible but im not totally against chopping up the hood either.


Active Member
well, i dont know all the parts and stuff you'll need for your biocube, i believe you can buy custom kits on nanocustoms dot com and there are vids on youtube that show you how to install. that might be a place to start.


Active Member
well to tell you the truth in my opinion just keep your normal pcs. you can keep many corals in there. not stony polyps but really nice ones.
just leave those lights and waste the money you were gonna waste on the halides on corals.
also you might need to buy a chiller!
stay with the lights


I keep a 75g reef with many sps and clams and I kind of wanted to try to mimic that next to my bed lol ill check that place out... the temp in there is constant with just the pc's running and my house temp is constantly cold anyway. How do you think zoo's would fare with just those pc's? I think I could deal with a tank full of soft corals and zoos


Active Member
zoas and soft corals love pc! my tank i have lots of zoas well not like rebel. look at rebelprettyboy thread