Our goal here isnt IF but more of longevity, how long. I feel that yes for a certain amount of time and depending on initial health of the anemone and frequency of supplemental feedings it can be done. But again this isnt something I would recomend for long term health of your animal. If your lucky enough for it to reside a few inches from your lighting your sucess will be better but the bulbs PAR is still IMO lacking even at 4" below the surface. The issue with PC lighting in these cubes is, it doesnt penetrate deep enough to keep an anemone healthy no matter where it decides to go, and there PAR value is diminished exponentially after penetrating the water for only a few inches. Its a gamble and hind sight being 20/20 I recomend against it.
Now put the same amount of light in a shallow tank 12" max in a 20gal tank with 72 or so watts of PC lighting, your chances are much better. Although there isnt enough case study results to show that this will ensure 100% long term success. I have concluded after research and reading that even for a BTA HO-T5 lighting is a minimum requirement.