14gallon lps nano tank diary


hey guys, well i have been bored lately and wanted to start up another nano tank in the living room. So i took my old 14gallon bio cube from the garage and set it up. I have 11lbs of lr and 20lbs of fiji pink sand. I just finished my cycle and put 2 small true percs in there. Its mostly an all biological filtration system as i took out all the bio balls and replaced with lr. My fish list is going to be
2 false percs
1 watchman goby with a pistol shrimp
i want the clowns to hopefully host either the frogspwn,torch,hammer.or xenia. Its going to be all very colorful lps. Also my lighting is going to be the same i use in my 29gallon which is an oceanic aquamedic 150watt mh with a 14k phoneix bulb. here are some pics. Im using a crappy light just for the fish as i am wating to get the 150 to ensure there is not going to be a huge algae bloom.



thxs guys. well so far it has been set up a week lol but i used mature water from my 29gallon that has been set up a year and a half for this tank.
heres a pic of the 29.

it will have a red scolly at the bottom of the tank takingn up that open space and for a center piece a huge very brightly colored frog spawn. on the sides it will have a neon green torch coral and hammer coral on the opposite side. Brightly colored zoos will be covering the rest of the space. Na no more lr because less is more. I want room for the corals to grow and fish to swim. I hate the crowded look of tons of lr in a tank. As for stocking only the clowns and a yellow watchman goby with a pistol shrim will be in there. I need a very light bioload as i am not running a skimmer. The clean up crew will be 3 astria snails,6 blue leg hermits and a small cleaner shrimp. I really want to show what a nano tank is so i want to do everything small besides the corals.


Wow! You 29g looks amazing. What type of lights are you using?


thxs man, im using an oceanic aquamedic 150watt mh with a 14k phoneix bulb. i will be putting this light fixture on the nano tank and getting the same fixture in the 250watt model to put in the 29gallon


Active Member
I have the same brain in my tank, the only problem I had is he is growing so big so fast I may have to trade him in soon!!! how long have you had yours?