15 Gallon Eclipse System


If I do a fish only set up with an eclipse and put only three small fish it it, will it need to have a protein skimmer.
Please let me know!
it is not needed but recomended especially it you have corals. if it is just fish i doubt it. feed very lightly though and change the carbon every two weeks.


I don't plan on having corals....just live rock and CC. So you are saying that I need to change the filter media (the filter cartridges) every 2 weeks?
Any body else have an opinion?


I have a 10g Eclipse setup, I took out the bio wheel and the eclipse filter, all I use is a large mesh filter in the filter area for some mech. filtration. My live sand and LR do the rest. I have a true perc, a royal gramms, blue leg hermits, snails, and shrooms. And I just found a baby brittle starfish today in the LR (woohoo!). I would consider buying a new light though if your still using the one that came with it. I use a 50/50 NO light and I have coraline everywhere.


in this 15 gallon system i would use lr and ls and watch i very closely in a system of that size the parimters can turn deadly in a very short time. Also you might want to lean towards 2 fish in that tank size with snails or some other inverts.