150 first pics


IMO not bad. Waiting on 14K hamilton bulbs to hang my 250 fixture. Oh yeah by the way the light on the aquastarlights on tank is in photo are the one for sale.
What do you guys think?



Active Member
Very nice job.
Did you lean your rock against the back, or is it just stacked on top of each other? I'm asking because I have 100 lbs of lr coming and I get to figure out how to do my aquascaping.


It's definitely going to be a reef. As far as rock placement I leaned a few of the larger pieces against glass and built off of that. I made sure to leave wide swimming and flow area however behind and between most of the rock work.
I'm going to add a closed loop soon running off of dart. After I have that in place I need to to add some baffles to my sump for a fuge. I have a 33 long for sump with external skimmer, so there's plenty of fuge space.


Love the tangs but i am suprised you are able to keep both the Yellow and Purple tang together. They are both the same genii (i believe that is correct) and same shape . Anyways great tank! And what kind of anthias are those? The look like squarespot but i just thought i would ask.