150 gal stock list


I will begin stocking my 150 w 35 gal sump. I am thinking of the following list.
1-Blue Girdled Angel
1-Zebra Eel
1-2 Bar Rabbitfish
1-Volitan Lionfish
1-Whitecheek Tang
1-Dogface Puffer
Let me know what you think, also what order to put them in.


Active Member
I like the Majestic Angel, not really a Rabbitfish lover, and the Whitecheek Tang wouldn't be my first choice of the numerous beautiful Tangs to choose from.....I have never had the combo, but a lot of people advise against any "big" puffers with Lions....Puffers are curious creatures and those long spines are just too enticing for them to resist, this often leads to a dead Lionfish.
I like to advise people to pick 1 or 2 "must have" fish and build your list around those fish.


Thanks for the info, I like my angel,eel,and lion choices, what would you replace for the others, and what order should they be placed in?


Active Member
Lions and Eels are both very hardy, I would get a small Lion as your first fish in (big established Lion might be dangerous to smaller additions to come later
). Eel can go in early. I would do a Tang about 3 months in, and wait till the tank is 6 months for the Angel as they need a more established tank with flourishing live rock. I don't know much about the Rabbitfish you listed, but they are moderately hardy fish in most cases, so whenever after the Lion and Eel.....That's how I would do it based on your list.
Oh, and since I didn't like your puffer idea, perhaps a second Tang would be a good choice, or a Harlequin Tusk


Not sure the dogface and lion will work. Sometimes they do, sometimes they don't. Personally I wouldn't do it. I'm not a fan of eels, so I can't comment on that. Otherwise your list is ok. Consider adding some type of wrasse, or multiple wrasses if you go with the peaceful smaller variety. But not too small for the lion to eat. A harlequin tusk should work.


Thanks for the info guys, I just ordered my first fish from SWF. Can't wait for the lion to arrive. I to think the Tusk would be a good replacement for the rabbit. Thanks again guys. I will post pics when he arrives.