150 new tank


I am in the process of breaking down my 150 fresh and setting up a FO salt...what fish do you recommend. Is it possible to keep a small shark with the fish ?


i would get a nice size eel mabye a tess a clown trigger and a purple tang those would be my top choices for my top fish


Active Member

Originally posted by gasguzzler
The footprint will determine if a shark is appropriate. What are the dimensions?

Yeah the tank looks pretty tall and short.


Active Member
YEa, that does look REALLY tall, lol. You could pull off a volitan lion possibly, maybe a puffer, definitely an eel given the proper amount of live rock. Maybe the picture doesnt give it enough credit. It DOES look really tall though. Possibly a tang, but they like more space to swim around and back up forth. They aren't very updown fish. Possibly a wrasse like a harlequin tusk? Well, nice tank though, tenecor makes good stuff, at a price of course


Active Member
Yeah, those dimensions dont really work for you. Unless you know someone with a standard 180, dont try. You could however get away with a coral catshark or two...

tony detroit

Active Member
It is a shark, but not a jaws type shark like you may be thinking of. Any of the sharks that will fit in that tank comfortably are bottom dwelling, not really swimming sharks. Even then it is quite small for a coralcatshark.


Active Member
Like, Im getting a tank that is 3 feet long and 3 feet wide by 4 and a half feet tall. It has a really wide footprint, but i dunno if I can fit a shark in their or not. Itll be sweet for puffers, lions and wrasses though. It may seem small, but that is 9 square feet at the bottom. Either that or im going for a 120 tall? Which would you think is better? Cuz the 130 IS custom, and it is nice...