150 tall drain?


Hey all I was wondering if any of you know what a 150 tall drain gph is. I want to put a sump in the basement and am not sure how much and which return pump to use. I was thinking hammerhead and throttle back but do you guys think this is overkill?

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by Slipknotno
Hey all I was wondering if any of you know what a 150 tall drain gph is. I want to put a sump in the basement and am not sure how much and which return pump to use. I was thinking hammerhead and throttle back but do you guys think this is overkill?
Whats a 150 tall drain?


Originally Posted by Slipknotno
Hey all I was wondering if any of you know what a 150 tall drain gph is. I want to put a sump in the basement and am not sure how much and which return pump to use. I was thinking hammerhead and throttle back but do you guys think this is overkill?
most tank overflows are 600gph each, total 1200 gph. as for your pump you will need to figure head preasure and elbows.


Originally Posted by Slipknotno
Yes it is a 4ft tank. and how can I do a closed loop with a glass tank already running?
short of draining the tank 6 inches bellow the lowest bulkhead that needs to be installed you can't, unless you install a over the back style like was already said, they work just as well if not better as you won't risk cracking the tank or having bulkhead leaks. also they are real easy to design and install, they use pretty much the same plumbing minus the bulkheads if you were to drill.


So to do overthe top do I get one of those overflows like I would for a sump? Also if I just use a pipe does something like a hammerhead or other external pumps do they have suction, or are they gravity feed? And finally if I need i guess 600gph as a return pump from my basement I would say 18-20' which pupe and what size would you guys rec.