150 up and running


I finally have my 150 switched over to salt. I have 2 mag 350's and 4 powerheads. I am planning on adding some live rock. I am wanting to keep a couple of lions, a couple of porc. puffers, orbic batfish, snowflake eel and a california stingray. Will the fish be okay. And, is there any suggestions on my tank setup..


I will assume that you have a sand bottom for the stingray..if not now would be a great time to do that while there is no fish of lr in it ..I think the pro's out weigh the con's in the sand thing... as for the porq puffers I've read that they will most likely get stung..by accident,but still the same, by the lions


oh yea and... the batfish get huge and I would have to think it might get stung too..I have a batfish in my 125 its about 15-17 in. tall ..about 10 in long.I've had it about 2 yrs now..amazing fish..the snowflake eel should be fine w/ the fish I dont know about w/ the string ray though
n my opinion that tank is too small for a ray. everything can get stung by the lion by accident specially when feeding. even yourself. the tank should be great once up and running. get lr , ls and the biggest skimmer you can afford.