150g Divided W/ Mantis Shrimp

Tell me what you think! I took my 150g and divided it into 2 sections. After looking through sites and books and not finding anything interesting I thought I'd dedicate my tank to mantis shrimp. I've loved these creatures so much and didn't want to setup more tanks when I had this one to complete. I have some fish stocked in both sides of the tank, and few crustaceans on the smasher mantis' side. The spearer's side has little fish and more hermits. I also have a mantis in the fuge. Here's what I have so far:
Left side (Smasher Side)
Odontodactlyus Scylarrus
1 Green Chromis
2 Peppermint Shrimp
1 Large Flame Scallop
Pulsing Xenia
Small Toadstool Frags

Right Side(Spearer Side)
Pseudosquilla Ciliata
3 Green Chromis
Sailfin Tang
Small Zoo Frag
Feather Duster

Was never able to get a good In-tank shot of the P.Ciliata

Small LR rubble
Neogonodactylus Wennerae


the only bad thing I see if you are out to have mantis shrimp is that in that big of a tank if they choose to smash the glass its an awful lot of glass and water to clean up from. The next thing that most of the fish and inverts you are sayin will probably become food for them.
Looks good though I would prefer to keep them in much smaller tanks though LOL
I have kept several mantids before, and as long as I feed them regularly they won't go for any tankmates, unless provoked. The spearer I'm actually suspecting him to take out the chromis on his side, but haven't seen any action from that yet. I have had the glass hit several times, no cracks/chips or anything. Only large mantids will break through glass, but I'm not worried about that. Yes It seems I've given both species about 75g's to themselves.. when the larger of the 2 should have a 30g and the smaller a 15g.


as long as your prepared for it. I think they are very interesting I just wouldnt want to use up that large of a tank for 2 of them LOL
They are gorgeous though for the most part~!!


That divider will look totally gross with algea on it.
If a mantis can smash glass, why would it not be able to smash through the cheap plastic??????????????
Plus you are committing a cardinal sin robbing the tangs space.
~75g's should suffice the tang for space. Once again, only large species of mantis can break through glass, that means 7"+. Just because you hear that mantis can break through glass doesn't mean ALL of them can. The mantis should be able to break through the divider, but I've had no problems with teither wanting to get to the other side. I know the white divider looks pretty ugly, I put some caulerpa inbetween the divider to try to make it look better, hoping it would give a more natural look.


Active Member
There are clear tank dividers you can get, I know they are made for smaller sized tanks, Im not sure about your size, but Id def. look into it, plastic is plastic and if he wants to he is going to break it, but the eggcrate is BRITTLE stuff.
He is totally cute though and Im so jealous.
I put this guy on my desktop and my boyfriend (who has no clue what a mantis shrimp is) freaked out a little. haha.
Yes, I just fed mine an Emerald Crab. He went up to it, kinda probing it with his antenna, then went to town on it. I'll try to get a video next time.


Active Member
Is theres a way to subscribe to this thread with key words like:
"OMG How do I clean up 150 gallons of water!!!?"
I am only half kidding but I do think they are beautiful creatures. Just very respectful of their agreseive tendancies. Good luck
Not exactly 150g's... gotta take out displacment from sandbed and LR.
I am going to change him to a different tank when he gets a little larger, becasue I do fear that he may break the glass if someone was screwing around with him and he smacked it. Right now he's about 3.75" and will give him a different tank , prob around 20-30g's when he is about 5.5 - 6".

tx reef

Active Member
I would like someone to actually post pictures of their own tank that got broken by a mantis. I believe the glass on a 150 gallon tank to be much to thick for a mantis to break.
I most of the people posting about this have just read it on another post by someone who read it from another post, and so on.....


Active Member
I'm pretty sure the "Broken Glass" is an urban myth, as I've only heard about people who are passing along a story that a friend of a friend of a friend of an ex-wife had a mantis crack their tank, or was that the x-wife cracking their tank.

tx reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by maxalmon
I'm pretty sure the "Broken Glass" is an urban myth, as I've only heard about people who are passing along a story that a friend of a friend of a friend of an ex-wife had a mantis crack their tank, or was that the x-wife cracking their tank.

That is exactly what I am getting at. No one I hve ever talked to that keeps mantis shrimp have ever had one break glass...


Active Member
I disagree about the break glass being a myth. "The JOP" has a chip in his tank from his 6 inch Peacock Mantis. Mine is about 5 inches and at times will walk up to the the side and hit it. I am thankful for my acrylic.
I didn't say it can't happen, There have been instances, that I've heard, where a large mantis will break glass. Never have actually knew someone who has had that happen though.
the Pseudosquilla Ciliata has been "denned" up. He's closed his entrances to his cave and I'm hoping he's molting. He's been inside for about a week now.
The O.Scyylarrus has been moving small rocks/piles of sand in and out of his burrow and is very fascinating to watch. I gave him a hermit and he grab it, and then buried it! I was told they sometimes bury food to eat later.


Met a guy this week who gave the local 4H center a mantis that ended up busting right through their glass. Don't know how big it was though.